After years in the ophtalmology and optometry department, Tecksoft is looking for your ideas to develop new mobile apps for Android and iOS platforms. Our experience in application development will guide you to make your idea into reality.
Start NowUse our questionnaire to get an evaluation of your app with simple yes/no questions.
The design of your app can be made with your input or you can let us do the heavy lifting.
Steps are taken to make sure we have a constant feedback from you to make sure we are on the same track.
These apps are now available on Google Play and App Store!
Our EyeVu software has become a standard in all ophtalmology.
Lensify is the smart way to search lenses by their ID engravings!
EyeVu Consent allows patients to sign consent forms directly on the tablet
Visual Acuity System used in numerous clinics today.
Tablet remote to control the interface of the VAS Device in real time.
OptoClick, the ultimate tool for managing your clinics and shops
The exact time our developpers will take to develop your app is calculated with all the information we can gather from your vision. It also depends on our current workload and the size of your app. An estimated time will still be given and respected the best we can.
Our technologies allows us to develop from one platform to the other almost seamlessly. However certain objects and concepts do not exist in both environments and we have to be flexible in the way we code so that both apps are as identical as possible.
We currently work with AWS for all our hosting needs and there are plans we can put in motion so that you can enjoy the same type of stability. You are also welcome to supply your own server and use them if they meet our criterias.
Wether it be the platform changing its operating system version (making possibly your app obsolete) or if you decide to change things around. We will evaluate the work needed and come up with a valid timeline for your next release.